Onedrive Osu

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and More


All Ohio State University faculty and staff have access to OneDrive for Business, allowing you to collaborate easily with colleagues around the University. How much storage will I have in OneDrive? You have one (1) terabyte of storage in OneDrive. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and MoreAs a student at Ohio State, you get free access to Microsoft Office products through Office 365. That means Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. You’ll also have 1 TB of storage on OneDrive. The internal hard drive in my Xbox One X failed so I replaced it with an SSD (using the recommended process to format and install it). I downloaded the latest OSU1 file from Microsoft: OS version. In the OneDrive folder on your computer, create a Zotero attachments folder. Download and install Zotfile. This is designed for the Firefox version of Zotero, but will work with Standalone-just follow the directions on the Zotfile homepage under ' Install Zotfile.'

As a student at Ohio State, you get free access to Microsoft Office products through Office 365. That means Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. You’ll also have 1 TB of storage on OneDrive.

Onedrive Osu Login

If you’re on a PC, you can also download the Office applications Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Publisher and Access. On a Mac the Office applications include Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. You can use these tools the entire time you are a student at Ohio State. You can install Office on five PCs, or Mac desktops, or laptop computers, five tablets (Windows, iPad and Android) and five phones.

OhioOnedrive Osu

Access Your Files Anywhere

By uploading your files to OneDrive, you can edit your documents on the fly even without one of your personal devices on hand. Need to make a last-minute edit to your essay? If you’ve saved it to One Drive, you can edit it from a library computer and print it out without having to run home for your device.

Downloading the Software

To get this software on your device you have to go through a few setup steps that will link your name.# to your Office 365 account.

  1. Account Set Up: Login to your BuckeyeMail account and follow the instructions on the Installation of Office for Windows/Mac for Students Knowledge Base article.
  2. Software download for PC and Mac Computers: As the above IT Service Desk page suggests, go to the Download and install or reinstall Office 365 or Office 2016 on a PC or Mac article, which will guide you through the install process. It’s important that you complete the first step before attempting to download the software directly from Microsoft – you need an account to get it for free.
  3. Software download for mobile devices: Go to the Mobile Office website and click on your respective operating system. You’ll be asked to enter an email or phone number, which will provide the download link. Be sure that you’ve already completed step 1.

Resources to remember:


Onedrive Osu

  • Office 365 Mobile Setup– a list of resources with more specific download instructions for varying devices and applications

ME 301 - Computer Aided Design

Onedrive Osu Email

Solid modeling is one of the core languages of design. It allows for enhanced communication within the design team, and between clients and customers. Designers have an ever increasing set of tools that use solid models for analysis, visualization, prototyping, and machining. On this page you will find several solid modeling resources developed by University of Idaho students.

This course introduces you to concepts and tools for producing solid models and engineering drawing packages that can be efficiently manufactured in an engineering shop. The knowledge, skills, and perspectives you develop will greatly enhance your senior design experience and will be highly marketable in the engineering workplace, including summer internships.

Onedrive Osu Login

Pre-Class Preparation

Remote vs. In-Class Groups
In-Class Activity

Group A (Tuesdays)
S1 (8:00a): Gonzaga, Baylor
S2 (9:30a): USC, Arkansas, Arizona
S3 (11:00): Creighton, Florida St., Kansas
Group B (Thursdays)
S1 (8:00a): UCLA, Houston
S2 (9:30a): Michigan, OSU
S3 (11:00): Oklahoma, Oregon, Villanova
(In-class group highlighted below)

Post-Class Assignment
(due before the next class periodunless otherwise noted)

Jan 14: Day 1

  • Syllabus (see BbLearn)

Group BMeet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Introductions

  • Role of projects

  • Verify CAD lab access

    • JEB331 Login with UI account

      • Login for remote users

    • MySolidWorks registration video (requires audio) or pdf
      - Video Topics .xls

    • BbLearn Quizzes

  • Syllabus review activity
    Add a few notes and your questions and upload to your shared OneDrive '01_Submitted' folder in .doc and .pdf versions.

  • HW Tips
    (you will see these again)

    • Read the Checksheets!

  • Course Q&A

  • HW1
    1a: Student Survey
    1b: Quick Reference Log
    1c: Skills Self-Assessment
    HW1a & 1b - Fill out and submit on shared OneDrive '01_Submitted' folder. Name your file 'HW1_FirstName LastName'.
    HW1c - Perform a
    Self-Assessment of your pre-course Engineering Graphics Skills. Select the option to email yourself a copy so you can compare your progress at the end of the semester.

For HW1b, fill out the Quick Reference Log on the ENGINEERING DRAWING PRACTICES packet.

Jan 19: Day 2 (Handout Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • Read through and think critically about this packet on ENGINEERING DRAWING PRACTICES

    (for possible use on Quiz)

BRING TO CLASS: 1) a straight-edge, 2) a pencil, 3) a compass, and 4) a copy of the hand sketching workshop handout (see link in column 2). Your work product will lose points without them.

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Quiz 1
  • Debrief quiz
  • HW Tips (see Day 1)
  • Checksheet (see Day 1)
  • Hand sketching workshop
  • HW2 - Hand Sketching Workshop
    Finish sheets from hand sketching workshop, andidentify, describe, and illustrate three hand sketching principles or techniques that you may have struggled with but which added significant value to your finished product in this assignment.
    Refer to the assignment checksheet in completing your work and make sure it is submitted as your assignment cover page. The mentors will use these in grading your work on each assignment.

Jan 21: Day 3 (Handout Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • VIDEO:
    Introduction to Drawings (.wmv)
  • Block Project Drawing Package
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Quiz 2
  • Debrief quiz
  • Design layout/sketching tips
    • Select an appropriate front view
    • Place on paper allowing for possible top and side views (using 3rd angle orientation which is the US drawing standard)
    • Specify origin & axes
    • Use construction lines
      to get placement and scale correct on paper
    • If needed, show center locations and centerlines
    • Deploy line weights
      (for contrast)
    • Enhance with labeled dimensions
  • Sketching exercise
  • Sketch peer review/discussion
  • HW3 - Design Layout Sketch Assignment checksheet
    • Create a design layout sketch for an object of personal interest.
    • Do NOT use one of the examples on the website.
    • Use the ME Dept. Drawing Template with grid.
    • Apply best practices learned in class.
    • Follow the assignment checksheet.

Don't forget to include the checksheet as your cover page.
You may also want to review Examples of Past Design Layout Sketches.

Jan 26: Day 4 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • VIDEO:
    Introduction to SolidWorks (3 min)
  • VIDEOS: MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    1 - Starting a Sketch on a
    Plane or Face
    3 - Lines and Centerlines
    Remember: to access the
    CSWA videos, you must log
    in to your MySolidWorks
    account and search for the
    'CSWA Exam Prep Course'

    (for possible use on Quiz)
  • VIDEO:
    View Manipulation

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Quiz 3
  • Debrief quiz
    View Manipulation (2 min)
    Keys and Mouse Buttons (2 min)
  • Demo (PDF)
  • Useful References
    • Reference Geometry
  • Lab
    • SW Tutorial - Lesson1: Parts
    • Make sure you use units of millimeters when doing Solidworks tutorials
    • Troubleshooting Guide for Lesson 1: Parts
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Basic Sketching (5 min)
  • HW4 - Lesson 1: Parts Assignment checksheet
    Complete a thoughtful tutorial log on SW Tutorial Lesson 1: Parts. Additionally, include at least 5-6 visually-descriptive screen captures of the creation process for the part you made in Lesson 1, and provide meaningful captions (1-2 sentences) to explain the content of each image. Make your pages organized and use an appropriate number of images per page (i.e., readable and not wasteful).

Jan 28: Day 5 (Bblearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    2 - Smart Dimension
    7 - Trimming

    SW Ref - Sketch Relations
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Quiz 4
  • Debrief quiz
  • Demo (PDF)
  • HW Tips
  • Pre-CAD Planning
    • I-beam Example A
    • I-beam Example B
    • I-beam Example C
    • I-beam Example D
  • Lab
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Dimensions & Relations (6 min)
    • Intermediate Sketching (8 min)
    • Sketch Patterns (2 min)
    • Trim Tools (1 min)
  • HW5 - I-Beam Sketching Assignment checksheet
  1. Inculde a sketch of your I-beam that shows all sketch relations and dimensions. This should be fully defined.
  2. Include a snip that shows your part information in the summary tab (author, assignment number in keywords field, assignment notes in comments field).
  3. Extrude your I-beam to a 3-inch section. Experiment with different material properties. Include a snip of your extruded part along with an annotated design tree.
  4. Use SolidWorks to compute the mass, volume, center of mass, and moment of inertia about two different axes. Include a snip of the results.
  5. Identify and describe in detail the two most important things you learned about SolidWorks through this assignment.
  6. Make sure the assignment checksheet is included as the cover page for your assignment.

Feb 2: Day 6 (Bblearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    15 - Extruded Boss and Cut
    16 - Revolves
    SW Ref - Features
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Quiz 5
  • Debrief quiz
  • Initials Assignment (tips)
    • Plan w/pencil & paper
    • Apply handsketch tips
      (in making thoughtful design layout sketch)
    • Define origin/units
    • Specify dimensions
      (try to minimize)
    • Specify relations
      (to parameterize solution)
    • Apply reference geometry
    • Consider using patterns
    • Fully define SW sketch
    • Customize your extrusion
    • Create a drawing using the ME drawing template (zip)
    • Capture lessons learned
  • Setting up Template filepaths in SolidWorks (pdf)
    • Setting Folder Paths (4 min)
    • Setting .sldprt filepaths for adding new sheets (2 min)
    • Template Layout and Part Properties (4 min)
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Extrude (6 min)
    • Revolve (8 min)
    • Lofts and Sweeps (7 min)
    • Selecting a Plane (1 min)
    • Adding a Material (2 min)
  • HW6 - Initials Assignment checksheet
    Place a pdf of your completed pre-CAD plan in your '01_submitted' folder and have your current progress available for review during the next class.
    Final version HW6 (Parts A-C) due 2/11
    You will receive scores for each:
    HW6 (Part A) - your pre-CAD planning (including sketch plane, origin, key constraints, and creation steps),
    HW6 (Part B) - your SW process documentation, and
    HW6 (Part C) - your final products (fully defined SW sketch w/minimum dimensions, solid model, and engineering drawing).
    Refer to the ENGINEERING DRAWING PRACTICES packet for best dimensioning practices in dimensioning your engineering drawing.
    Use the initials assignment checksheet (page 1 of the Assignment Checksheet link above) as your assignment cover page. Be sure to clearly address each item in your report.
    A pdf of your pre-CAD plan (Part 6a) is due in your '01_submitted' folder before class on 2/4
Feb 4: Day 7 (no quiz)

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Lab
    • HW consulting
  • Pre-CAD feedback

Feb 9: Day 8 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    32 - Drawings & Detailing
    43 - Applying Material Properties
    SW Ref - Making a drawing
    SW Ref - Title Block
    (for possible use on Quiz)

BRING TO CLASS: ALL work-in-progress on the initials assignment (including electronic SW files).

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Quiz 6
  • Debrief quiz
  • Demo: SW Drawings (PDF)
  • Lab
    • HW consulting
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Getting Started w/Drawings (6 min)
    • Dimensioning Drawings (10 min)
    • Part Properties (2 min)

HW6 (parts a-c)
Due by start of class
Feb 11

For next class (Day 9):

  • Submit all three parts together in your final submission as a single .doc file.

  • If you are resubmitting Part A, include both versions in your submission labeled at the top as '1st Submission' and '2nd Submission'.

Feb 11: Day 9(BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    33 - Editing Parts
    37 - Part Configurations
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Collect initials assignment (Parts 6a-6c) -- Due by midnight (2/11)
  • Quiz 7
  • Debrief quiz
  • Recall HW Tips
  • Demo: Lofting (pdf)
    Demo part files:
  • Lab
    • SW Tutorial - Lofts
  • HW7 - Hammer Time Assignment checksheet
    (Due 2/16)
    Create a customized hammer (with a head for pulling nails as well as a lofted handle). Build from your initial work in the Lofts tutorial. Modify the head and create a custom handle.

Your finished model should utilize customized surface appearances, reference planes, and an expanded as well as annotated (i.e., renamed) design tree.
Be sure to use the ME drawing template found under course resources on the shared drive. Fill in important linked cells of the title block (DRAWN BY, QTY, PART #, MATERIAL, DESCRIPTION) by editing the part's 'File Properties' Summary tab (Author) and Custom tab (Quantity, PartNo, Material, and Description). Variable names are case-sensitive.

Your engineering drawing of your hammer should show the length of its handle, dimensions of the bottom of its handle, and the diameter of its striking surface (in inches).

Feb 16: Day 10

Classes Cancelled due to Weather Conditions

Feb 18: Day 11 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Video
    20 - Hole Wizard
    Tap Drill Chart (.html)
    Shop Fasteners (.pdf)
    Screw Thread Reference (Wikipedia)
    Drawing Guidelines (.pdf)
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Collect Hammer assignment
  • Quiz 8
  • Debrief quiz
  • Demo: Hole Wizard (PDF)
  • Lab
    • Use the Hole Wizard to create the part defined in the engineering drawing given in HW8 (see third column for requirements)
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Hole Wizard (3 min)
    • Drilling and Tapping (5 min)

  • HW8 - Hole Wizard Assignment Checksheet
    (Due 2/23)

NOTE: for above and beyond points, include sections views through each hole axis.

Also complete:

  • Quiz 9
    (Due 11:59pm Sunday)

  • GD&T WorkshopActivity
    (Submit 2/23 for participation points)

Feb 18-21: GD&T Activity

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • Metrology Video (vimeo)
  • Metrology Set (.mp4)
  • Drawing Guidelines (.pdf)
  • Drawing Quick References
    (review all of the items under the 'drawing' heading)
    (for possible use on Quiz)
  • Quiz 9 (open on BbLearn thru 2/21)
  • Lab --> (Take-home activity)
  • Lab Resources

Feb 23: Day 12 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    21 - Linear Pattern
    22 - Circular Pattern
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Collect Hole Wizard assignment
  • Quiz 10
  • Debrief Quiz
  • Lab
    • Work on revolve and pattern features assignment
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Circular Patterns (10 min)
  • HW9 - Revolve and Pattern Features Assignment checksheet
    (Due 3/2)

Feb 25: Day 13 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    36 - Global Variables & Eqns
    39 - Part Design Tables
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Bring questions about the Revolve and Pattern Features Assignment.

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Quiz 11
  • Debrief Quiz
  • Demo: Global Variables (PDF)
    • Example .sldprt file
  • Lab
    • SW Tutorial - Design Tables
      (Demonstrate to Mentor for points)
    • Consulting on Revolve and Pattern Assignment
  • Day 14 Recommendation: bring colored writing instruments:
    • (e.g., highlighters/pencils/pens)
Mar 2: Day 14 (no quiz)

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Collect Revolve and Pattern assignment
  • Spring 2021 Part Mini-Project
    • Part: Motor Flywheel

    Part Mini-Project drawings courtesy of SDF Historical Archives (Treviglio, Italy)

    • Ref: Full Tractor Assembly
    • Ref: Motor Assembly
    • Some tips and Italian translations
  • Pre-CAD Tips
    • (Recommended but Optional) Start your Pre-CAD directly on the 11x17 drawing handout. (If you weren't in class and would like one, stop by my office to collect one. There's a box outside my door. It's a large printout of the part drawing file linked above.)
  • Part Mini-Project
    Assignment checksheet
    (Due 3/11)

Mar 4: Day 15 (no quiz)

  • Bring your design layout sketch and your pre-CAD plan
  • Bring your electronic model
  • Bring any questions you have

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Revolve and Pattern Pre-CAD Exemplar
  • GearTrax Quickstart Guide
  • Part Mini-Project Consulting

Brickleberry download free. Mar 9: Day 16 (no quiz)

  • Bring your electronic model
  • Bring your latest part drawing
  • Bring your latest project documentation
  • Bring any questions you have

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Recent Part Mini-Project
  • Exemplars
    • Completed Project Example 1 (24/24)
    • Completed Project Example 2 (20/24)
    • Completed Project Example 3 (24/24)
  • Other Past Examples
Part Mini-Project
Due at the start of class
Mar 11

Mar 11: Day 17 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    26 - Bottom-Up Assembly
    27 - Standard Mates

    (for possible use on Quiz)

System io file copy. Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Collect Part Mini-Project
  • Quiz 12
  • Debrief Quiz
  • Lab
    • SW Tutorial - Assembly Mates (1 hr)
      • Part Files (in case you can't find them via the tutorial)
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Introduction to Assemblies (5 min)
    • Complex Assemblies (6 min)
    • Configuration of Assemblies (7 min)
  • HW10 - FEA Simulation Basics (Tutorial)
    Assignment Checksheet
    (Due 3/23)

Part files for HW10:
- Stand
- Welded Corner

Mar 15-19
  • Spring Break


Mar 23: Day 18 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    28 - Move & Rotate Components
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Collect FEA Simulation Basics
  • Quiz 13
  • Debrief Quiz
  • Show & Tell
    • Interference Detection on Stirling Engine Assembly
    • Features of an
      Assembly Drawing (old)
      Assembly Drawing (NEW)
    • Features of a
      Sub-Assembly Drawing (old)
      Sub-Assembly Drawing (NEW)
    • Full Drawing Package (NEW)
  • Begin Stirling Engine Project

Stirling Engine Mini-Project Assignment checksheet
(Due 4/1)

(Preliminary check due 3/25)

  • Stirling Engine Parts (zip)
  • Stirling Engine Render (jpg)
  • Stirling Engine Exploded Render (jpg)
  • Stirling Engine Assembly Animation (avi)
  • Example Animation (with two independent motions):
    Air Motor Movie (avi)

Mar 25: Day 19 (BbLearn Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • MySolidWorks CSWA Prep Videos
    29 - Exploded Views
    38 - Assembly Configurations

    (for possible use on Quiz)

Bring your Stirling Engine model to class. Be prepared to show your file structure on the junior drive.

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Quiz 14
  • Debrief Quiz
    • Assembly Drawing Exploded Views (old pdf) (NEW pdf)
      • Part Files (zip)
      • Drawing (old pdf)
        (NEW pdf)
    • Recall: Drawing Formatting (pdf)
  • VIDEO Supplements
    • Appearances (2 min)
    • Assembly Drawings (5 min)
  • Consulting on Stirling Engine Project
  • TA/Instructor initial work-in-progress
Mar 30: Day 20 (Handout Quiz)

Study Material for Quiz
(review resources below)

  • SW Tutorial
    - Animation (~30 min)
    - Animation (8 min)
    - Rendering (4 min)
    - Rendering the Stirling Engine (7 min)
    (for possible use on Quiz)

Bring your Stirling Engine model and engineering drawings to class.

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Quiz 15
  • Debrief Quiz
  • Drawing Tips
    • Past PMP Exemplar2
  • Rendering Tips
    • PhotoView360
  • Animation Tips
    • Asm MP Demo (pdf)
    • Adding a motor (2 min)
  • Consulting on Stirling Engine
Apr 1: Day 21

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

Stirling Engine Mini-Project Due
at BEGINNING of Class

  • (Fri) Team Assignments
  • (Fri) Identify Project Recorder (Person who maintains work assignments on Spreadsheet)
  • Identify subassemblies
  • Inventory parts by subassembly
  • Make Preliminary Part modeling assignments
  • (Fri) Select creative team name

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • Spreadsheet with preliminary assignments for members
    (example from past team)
    Example spreadsheet
  • Team folder on shared drive
  • Completed part by each team member stored on shared drive, ready to show in the class
Apr 6: Day 22

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

Engine Resources:

  • 4-Stroke Engines
    • Video: Radial Engines
  • Steam Engines
    • Video: Steam Engines

Project Resources:

  • Custom Parts
  • Purchased Parts (downloadable files)
  • Shared drive review
  • Spreadsheet review
  • Q/A on Legacy Drawings
  • Modify part assignments based on new insights on part complexity after initial part modeling.
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
  • 25% of parts modeled with part properties assigned
Apr 8: Day 23

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Shared drive review
  • Spreadsheet review
  • Q/A on Legacy Drawings
  • Q/A on Part Models
  • Team Dynamic Check
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
  • 50% of parts modeled with part properties assigned
  • Sub-assemblies identified
Apr 13: Day 24

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Recall:
  • Shared drive review
  • Spreadsheet review
  • Q/A on Part Models
  • Discussion of sub-assemblies and key interfaces with mating components
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
  • 100% of parts modeled with part properties assigned
  • 50% parts assembled
  • Establish team drawing template
Apr 15:Day 25

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • HW11 Expectations/Exercise
  • Shared drive review
  • Spreadsheet review
  • Review of assemblies
  • Drawing Workshop (pending)
  • Q/A on Deliverables
  • Project Work & Consulting

HW11 - INDIVIDUAL HMWK Assignment checksheet
(Due 4/22)

EACH MEMBER of the team needs to submit one non-trivial mechanical drawing of one of their parts using the ME template with a customized title block adopted by your team.

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class:

  • Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
  • 100% parts assembled
  • 25-50% of part and assembly drawings complete
  • Prepare for mid-project
    Shared drive review
    (w/project recorders)
Apr 20: Day 26

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • Mid-Project Shared drive review
  • Review of assemblies
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
Apr 22: Day 27

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • HW11 Due at BEGINNING of Class
  • Review of drawings
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • Updated spreadsheet of work completed and work in-progress
  • 75% of part and assembly drawings complete
  • Initial rendering and animation work
Apr 27: Day 28

Group AMeet in JEB 331
Group B via Zoom

  • NEW Drawing Package Example
  • Review of drawings
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due on Shared Drive by Next Class

  • 90% of part and assembly drawings completed

  • Examples of part rendering work stored on the shared drive

  • Continued animation work

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Apr 29:Day 29

  • Bring hardsoft copies of example sub-assembly drawings and part drawings

  • Bring hardsoft copies of portfolio items

Group B Meet in JEB 331
Group A via Zoom

  • Review of drawings
  • Organization/contents of digital folders
  • Receive feedback on Snapshot Portfolio items
    • Mentors create repeating PPT slide show
  • Project Work & Consulting
Assemble Project Binder
  • 100% of part and assembly drawings completed

  • Next generation renders and continuing animation work

May 4 & 6: Days 30 & 31

  • Bring team project binder portfolio folder

Group A/B Meet via Zoom

  • Review of project binder
  • Project Work & Consulting

Due in class on 5/6

  • Individually Complete Post-Course Self-Assessment of Engineering Graphics Skills
    Recall: if you selected the option to email yourself a copy of your Pre-Course Evaluation, you can look back at where you were at the start of the semester for comparison.
  • Individually Complete
    Team Citizenship Form
  • Final File Organization on
    Shared Drive (spreadsheet, part/assembly/drawings files,
    PDF of entire package portfolio folder w/renders & animations)
  • Approved Final Portfolio
    • Title Page
    • Thoughtful Dividers
    • Assembly Drawings
    • Part Drawings
    • Animation Storyboards
    • Lessons Learned